Pet Express Anal Glands | Anal Gland Expression Services | Pawnanny, Inc.
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Pet Express Anal Glands

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Express Anal Glands

Usually, pets might face issues in expressing their anal glands, which might keep them from carrying out their daily activities. The anal glands are two little organs found right inside your pet's rectum. The material discharged into these sacs consists of a thick fluid, which is ordinarily oily and stinky. While numerous wild creatures can purge these organs deliberately for creating their scent, cats and dogs are less able to discharge these sacs intentionally. Usually, regular defecation by your pet can help them with discharging the sacs; however, a few pets might become incapable of purging their sacs on their own. These sacs can become affected negatively for your pet and might make them uncomfortable. If your dog has issues in their anal glands expression, they will scoot their rear across the ground or lick unreasonably around their tail base. On the other hand, cats habitually will lick all the hair off or around their tails. Apart from these significant signs, your pet may shake, hold their tail down, or hesitate to walk or run, which are also symptoms of them not being able to express their anal gland.

Why Express Anal Glands?

In case your pet's anal glands are filling and are not expressed right in time, they can fill to the place of burst and cause an anal gland abcess. This situation then requires drain placement and antibiotic treatment, as well as pain therapy for your beloved pet to heal fully. Assuming your pet has an anal gland infection or abscess, it should be tended only by a specialist vet, which is present at Pawnanny. Additionally, you can set up appointments with our vet techs for routine anal gland expression and checkups or an internal expression to ease any issues your pet might have. Our Paw - Nannies take care of your pet like our own.

Expressing Your Pet’s Anal Glands

Assuming your pet's anal glands are filling and causing uneasiness, they should be emptied as soon as possible. This should be possible in one of two ways. Initially, in external expression, the anal glands are squeezed from an external perspective of the rectum, and the fluid is released or expressed. However, this method may fail in the presence of thicker anal gland fluid as this technique might be insufficient to discharge the glands totally. Hence, the best method for expressing the fluid is by internal expression in this case. With this strategy, a finger is carefully embedded into your pet's rectum, and the actual sac is pressed to permit expression of the fluid in their anal glands